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Jozef Behr is amazed with Zimbabwe Textile and handicraft Industries

For a very long time, Zimbabwean art and crafts have been a significant and complex component of the nation's cultural legacy. Many individuals have job options because of the country's arts and crafts industry, particularly in rural regions. A fabric manufacturer, Jozef Behr, says “the strong sense of originality and distinct style that Zimbabweans have developed and incorporated into both secular and sacred things has increased demand for Zimbabwean art throughout the globe. 

Jozef Behr crafts

 As per Jozef Behr’s experience “arts and crafts are a great method to protect the cultural history of the past. The nation, which was formerly inhabited by bushmen, has around 15000 locations where you may see old cave paintings, including cliff faces and cave walls. To exhibit Zimbabwe's historic art and craft, several objects from that era have been conserved in museums around the nation, including bags, blankets, headdresses, fertility symbols, and many more. 

Jozef Behr crafts

Jista Print:  

The designs, fashioned from a variety of enduring materials throughout Africa and elsewhere, represent a culture's creative expression. Chenesai's founder, Noreen Chenesai Mukora-Mangoma, discusses the meaning of her creations, which use African motifs and black-and-white textiles to demonstrate how people of all races may live in harmony. A representative from Jista Print, a business that produces fabrics with African prints, Georgina Kahari, walks viewers through the dyeing, custom printing, and design processes. 

Jozef Behr Jista Print

Jozef Behr Jista Print



Kudhinda's patterns are extremely intricate and, together with the "Sadza Batik," have become instantly recognizable as a style of modern Zimbabwean textiles. Local influence was used to drive the iconography and design choices. However, order is found in the form of very clean lines and rows that form grids, something that took me a long time to accomplish in class because it is quite challenging to accurately line up the potato stamp across a small length of fabric, let alone meters of it. Typically characterized by clashing patterns and vibrant colors it could all get a little too much. 

Jozef behr Kudhinda

Additionally, several of the designs feature complementing border patterns that neatly confine and separate the many design parts, enabling the eye to focus on one region at a time. The production technique is labor-intensive; it might take up to 950 print impressions to finish a square meter of 100% Zimbabwean cotton. In order to prepare for the day's stamping procedure, the rubber blocks and potatoes are typically sliced each morning before moving on to the preparation of the pigments. 

Ankara Fabric: 

Ankara fabric, also known as African wax prints cloth, Holland wax, or Dutch wax, is the fabric that is used to create African prints. African apparel has a strong association with the Ankara fabric because of its vibrant African designs. One of the nicest things about Ankara fabric is that, unlike other printed textiles that fade rapidly, the intensity of its African designs does not vary over time. This is as a result of the "wax resistant" printing method used in fabric. 

The process of making African print fabric is known as batik because designs are first imprinted using wax before being dyed. The wax-resist dying process is what gives the African cloth its noticeable cracking appearance. His business, Vlisco, brought the printed cloth to Ghana, where it now bears an African identity. 

A patterned cotton fabric called Shweshwe, commonly referred to as Shoeshoe or Isishweshwe, is produced in South Africa. Shweshwe is officially known as indigo-dyed discharge printed cloth. The Three Cats brand, made by Da Gama Textiles in the Zwelitsha township outside of King Williams Town in the Eastern Cape of South Africa, is the largest manufacturer of shweshwe and is a trademarked fabric. It is printed on locally grown cotton that is produced in the Eastern Cape. 

Cotton cloth is fed through a succession of copper rollers with designs carved onto them to create shweshwe. The fabric is exposed to a mild acid solution, which bleaches out the cloth's unique, detailed white motifs and leaves behind a variety of appealing prints. 


ShweShwe Jozef behr

Gogo Olive: 

The fantastic, creative, entertaining, and motivating women who joyfully knit together to create your handmade crocheted items are the true stars of Gogo Olive. The Gogo Olive web store offers a variety of items manufactured with crocheting techniques, including key rings, finger puppets, Mama & Baby items, and more. All of the things on the website are handcrafted and are adored by all of the consumers. 

Giving every woman the chance to work for a livelihood (i.e., a pay that allows a worker and their family to live comfortably) is one of the key objectives. We also teach the women how to manage their finances. They employ savings plans to stretch their monthly budget farther. As a result of Zimbabwe's highly erratic financial position, Gogo Olive is continuously considering how to best care for their girls, which may be a difficult task.

Gogo Olive

Jozef behr

Gogo Olive Jozef behr

Gogo Olive Jozef behr


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