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Jozef Clifford Behr- Professional Journey

Jozef Clifford Behr is director at Redfox Management company in Africa. Redfox Management is a business management company in Zimbabwe that provide their client a certain amount of service they need in exchange of required funds. Being a director of Redfox Management, Jozef Behr says, “we believe in excellency in our work that creates aid to the businesses to tackle organizational issues at ease.” 

Jozef Behr

Redfox Management Company was established on July 9, 2018 and Jozef Behr was designated as a director in the organization immediately after the establishment. The hard work and efforts of Jozef pays off and he successfully established four other entities under his headship.  

    • A corporation that deals in minerals and gasoline.  
    • A fuel rail network that sells more than 10 million liters of fuel per month.  
    • A logistical support company that helps trade movements in and around Zimbabwe,  
    • A South African Trading Black Economic Empowerment company that deals in petroleum. 

Before becoming the director of Redfox management company in 2018, Jozef Clifford Behr started his earning career in Refinery industry with a minor capacity. With 10 years of experience in the equivalent field he was promoted to trading development manager in the regional crude, diesel, gasoline heating, and oil trading department  

In the year 2019 Jozef Behr was designated as a non-executive director of Bindura Nickel Corporation Limited. This company was founded in 1966, is a division of Zimnick Limited that is run and controlled in large part by Mwana Africa plc, an international mining business with headquarters in Johannesburg, South Africa. 

Bindura Nickel Corporation is a mining firm, runs mines and a smelting complex in Bindura, Zimbabwe. It is involved in the mining and extraction of nickel as well as the manufacturing of nickel by-products (copper and cobalt). The firm is now working on a number of projects, including a shaft deepening project, upgrades to the main rock winder and sub-vertical service winder drives, concentrator plant and sub-vertical medium voltage switch room equipment replacement project, and a project to restart the smelter.


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