The Mighty Victoria Falls, Matopo Hills, Great Zimbabwe Monuments, and wildlife in Hwange, Zambezi, Mana Pools, and Gonarezhou National Parks are just a few of the natural and man-made attractions that Zimbabwe is endowed with. Jozef Behr , a regular visitor to Zimbabwe, stated on his travel blog, “It's a marvel that so many travelers never make it past Victoria Falls since some of Africa's highest concentrations of wildlife, most trained guides, and finest all-around values lie just beyond its roaring depths”. According to Jozef Behr ’s article, the greatest time to visit Zimbabwe is between June and November, when animals, particularly birds, visit the Mana Pools along the Zambezi River to drink water. The amount of hospitability, the sincere feeling of welcome, and the general service and contact experience from the Zimbabweans many travelers become frequent t raveler to this destination. They are so full of hope and optimism for what th...
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