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By-Election in Zimbabwe 2022: The newly formed Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC) defeats ZANU PF

 In 19 of the 28 constituencies (67.9% of the vote), the Zimbabwean leader against the Citizens' Coalition for Change (CCC), led by Nelson Shamisa, won the last election. Dominating Zanu PF and MDC-T/Alliance.  

“Citizens came together and achieved a resounding victory for the movement,” said CCC spokesperson Fadzayi Mahere after the results were announced. 

By-elections to the National Assembly and local authorities resulted in a shortage of seats for more than two years. There are nearly 100 council seats up for election. The 2020 general election has been postponed by the government due to COVID-19. 

election in zimbabwe
After splitting from the Movement for Democratic Change (MDC) on the domestic political battleground, CCC party leader Nelson Chamisa formed his own party at the end of The One months. In a by-election, the MDC failed to win a seat. 

Blackmail and vote buying destroyed the by-elections, according to independent election observers. CCC lawmakers claimed the council had restricted some gatherings due to a lack of police. During the two-month campaign, Chamisa also claimed that police tried to blackmail supporters into attending the rally. A CCC member was shot with a spear on his way to strike a few weeks ago, and last month 37 supporters were arrested. 

However, the news spread across the nation that there was no violence at Zimbabwe's polling stations. However, many incidents cannot be ignored in the 2022 election. 

The threat is not limited to attending CCC meetings. Vice President Constantino Chiwenga, echoing Zimbabwean President Robert Mugabe's remarks, cited opposition to the "explosion". 

Independent analysts such as the Zimbabwe Election Support Network believe that certain candidates' activities, such as providing meals to voters, amounted to vote buying. 

Turnout was higher than usual, especially in rural areas, as observers stated that many people needed help voting, which they felt was due to coercion. The CCC is attempting to defeat the ruling party, which has been in power since 1980 and is led by President Emmerson Mnangagwa, in this weekend's polls, which are seen as a warm-up for national elections next year. 

About the Author 

I'm Jozef Behr, a Zimbabwean political writer. For the past 12 years, I've been monitoring political parties and their strategic agendas, and I've been expressing my own opinion through my blog on a regular basis.


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